Monday 18 November 2013

Lets Get Glowing Skin Without Make-up

Get Glowy

I have always believed and will always believe, that what we put into our body is represented outside of our body. For instance, when I have been eating badly I know the following week, I will see it in my skin, as well as lacking energy and sleeping badly. This may be psychological, however it helps me improve and invest in what I eat.

It takes time to see the results of eating well, it can take up to three months for you to see the benefits in your skin, hair and nails, so keep at it.

A quick sum up of what to eat/do and how it benefits you is below:

OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS: help to keep the outer layer of your skin strong so that external toxins and pollutants can’t enter the body.

Found in, Salmon, Walnuts, Fortifies Eggs, and Sardines. Really important for those who live in a city.

VITAMINS C, E and A: curb the damage to skin caused by free radicals, which can harm skin cells and cause signs of ageing. 

Foods high in Vitamin C: red/green hot Chilli Peppers, Thyme/Parsley, Peppers, Kale, Broccoli, Oranges, Tangerines.

Foods high in Vitamin E: Tofu, Spinach, Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Avocados, Olive Oil.

Foods high in Vitamin D: Fish, Cod liver Oil, Fortified Cereals, Oysters, eggs.

If you need food inspiration take a walk to Wholefoods, you will not be able to resist all the beautifully stacked fruit, vegetables and enticing fresh juices!

REDUCE CAFFEINE INTAKE: caffeine is a diuretic and therefore dehydrates the skin, causing it to become dry and flaky. Interestingly, caffeine is used in many beauty products as it constricts small blood vessels in the body reducing inflammation and therefore, if used in an eye cream can ease and reduce puffy eyes. 

KEEP HYDRATED: by keeping your body hydrated, you are allowing your organs to work and function properly and preventing congestion. Congestion and the storing of toxins is what gives you dull and lifeless skin. Try and keep a 1.5 litre bottle with you to drink through out the day.

My mum insisted as a child that I drank hot water with a slice of lemon, every morning before breakfast to improve my digestion. I hated it, but soon became accustom to it and now I cannot live without it! Flush out all the 'nasties' and start the day with clean organs, clean organs means glowing skin.

EXCERCISE: When the pores dilate sweat expels dirt and oil trapped in pores.  It is so important to go to the gym or exercise with no make-up and cleansed skin, so you can reap the benefits of getting everything out of your pores.

When you exercise , small arteries in your skin open up allowing more blood to come to the surface of your skin, bringing nutrients to prevent damage and rebuild skin cells. These nutrients also improve your skins collagen production, which helps against wrinkles. Next time you have a red face whilst working out, think of the benefits you are getting from it! 

If the gym isn't for you, I started Bikram Yoga around 6 weeks ago and have noticed the difference in my skin already:

I work on all skin types, skin type can be down to genes, however we can all help to improve our skin and the surface of our skin, no matter what imperfections we have. For me as a Make-up Artist I can get much better results on clients who have invested in their skin and listened to what their body is telling them, through their skin. Instead of applying more make-up to improve your look, think about reducing the amount of make-up you wear and improving your look from the inside, long term this will be more beneficial. 

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Blemish Treatment

We all get the odd pimple/blemish/spot on occasions, but how to treat it is the key for fast removal. My two favourite products are:

Eve Lom Dyna Spot £22 from Space NK

Neals Yard Clarifying Mahonia Skin Gel

In the evening, remove all make-up, apply your usual moisturiser/serum, leaving the blemish area clear, then dab on a small amount of either the Skin Gel or Dyna Spot to the trouble area. The key is to get rid of all the bacteria and dry out the blemish. I swear by both of these, the Dyna Spot I can apply to my clients, wait to dry and apply make-up over the top.

Check out the Make-up Fix in a couple of days for the best way to cover and disguise blemishes.

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